Contingent Search

We'll only collect a fee if we successfully place the candidate you desire.  Contingent searches offer maximum flexibility to our clients for no upfront cost.

Retained Search

A retained search is best for high priority positions.  Placements are completed quickly and professionally with top talent.  Fees are collected on a scheduled basis.  Presented candidates are exclusive to your search, giving you top priority & first choice.

Interim Staffing Service

We'll help you find contract professionals to fill interim or project-based assignments.  Contract professionals can provide a cost-effective alternative to permanent, full-time talent, giving you access to seasoned, experienced professionals on a timely basis.


Financial Search Associates.  Your complete solution for financial professional staffing.


Contact Details:
Mailing Address:
215 Lake Blvd, PO Box #101
Redding, CA 96003
Tel (530) 275-0700
Fax (530) 245-9838